For PresentersOral PresentationsEach talk is scheduled for 15 minutes. Please keep to this limit. There will be 5 minutes for discussion after each presentation. All speakers must upload their presentations to the conference laptop before the session - please allow ample time to make sure that your presentation has transferred correctly before your session starts. To avoid technical delays during the program, speakers will not be able to use their computers. Prepare your slides in Power Point (*.ppt or *.pptx) or PDF formats. We will have Power Point 2013 and Adobe Reader Version 11 available in the meeting room. Poster PresentationsPosters should be no larger than 48in high x 36in wide. We will have a teaser session at the start of each poster sessions. The presenter of each poster will have 1 minute and a maximum of two non-animated slides to highlight his/her work. Please email the slides with subject line “poster presentation, paper <your paper number>, poster <poster session, poster ID>” to fully3D@gmail.com by May 29, 2015. Questions or comments: please address to fully3D@gmail.com. |