Call for Papers
The 13th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine will be held in Newport, Rhode Island, USA, from May 31 to June 4, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Newport Hotel and Spa on Goat Island. Fully3D is a biennial meeting dedicated to the presentation and discussion of computational methods for the reconstruction of three-dimensional images with an emphasis on applications in x-ray CT, PET and SPECT. It is a friendly, informal, workshop-style meeting where experts in this field come together. The participants will have the unique chance to present, discuss and understand the latest techniques of image reconstruction. The fact that nearly all recent major advances in image reconstruction have been first presented at the Fully3D meeting emphasizes the high relevance of this meeting.
Invited speakers giving review talks at Fully3D 2015 include Dr. Kyle Myers of FDA, Dr. Jeffrey Fessler of U. of Michigan, Dr. Klaus Mueller of Stony Brook U, and Dr. Michel Defrise of Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
We cordially invite you to participate in the conference as well as in the social events. Please mark your calendar. January 12, 2015 is the deadline for submission of the 4-page abstracts.
CT Imaging (cone beam and multi slice)
PET Imaging
SPECT Imaging
Iterative and Analytical Reconstruction, and Multi-Dimensional Processing
Assessment of Image Quality and Clinical Applications
High Performance Computing Approaches for Image Reconstruction
Image Reconstruction for Novel Geometries
Applications in Security and Industrial Imaging
Other Modalities and Emerging Imaging Techniques
Important Dates
Conference Registration and Abstract Submission opens on the Web by: December 8, 2014
Abstract Due: January 12, 2015 Friday, January 16, 2015 (11:59 PM EST)
Notification of Acceptance: March 1, 2015
Final Paper Due: April 1, 2015, April 26, 2015
Early Registration Deadline: April 1, 2015
Late Registration Deadline on the web: May 22, 2015
Conference Registration on Site: Sunday evening May 31, 2015
Conference Technical Sessions: June 1-4, 2015
Optional Tours: June 5, 2015
PDF Fully3D flyer: Download
Conference Chairs:
Michael King, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Stephen Glick, University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Klaus Mueller, Stony Brook University and SUNY Korea
Questions or comments: please address to
Please submit your 4-page abstract in PDF format using the following link. Do not email your submissions.