Michigan image reconstruction toolbox (MIRT) (for Matlab/Octave)
The Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox (MIRT) is a collection of open source algorithms for image reconstruction (and related imaging problems) written in Mathwork s Matlab language. This software was developed at the University of Michigan by Jeff Fessler and his group. The toolbox includes the following. -
ASPIRE image reconstruction software
ASPIRE (A sparse precomputed iterative reconstruction library) is a collection of ANSI C programs for tomographic image reconstruction developed at the University of Michigan by Jeff Fessler and his students. -
TERSE: transmission and emission reconstruction environment for SPECT
TERSE: a transmission and emission reconstruction environment for SPECT, has been developed at the University of Michigan by Jeff Fessler and Edward Ficaro, in a collaboration between the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and the Division of Nuclear Medicine. -
Vspline (vector spline) smoothing package
FreeCT is a free software project for the reconstruction of 3rd generation, helical CT projection data. We currently offer FreeCT_wFBP, a GPU-focused implementation of weighted filtered backprojection, intended for fast, flexible, scanner-independent ......